Book Review: Honor by Elif Shafak

Look, this might look disconnected and incoherent but I suck at this review thing. I promised I’d write a review so humor me please 🙂


Pembe and Jamila are twin sisters. Their family lives in a Kurdish village near the Turkish-Syrian border. Born identical, shared every second of their childhood, they could never dream how far their fates were actually entwined.

Pembe gets married and moves to London, while Jamila stays behind to become a famous midwife. I don’t want to give you any spoilers. Time and POVs change several times as we watch the events that led to the honor murder in 1978 unfold.

Initially, I picked up the book because it gave me what I like to call “Hosseini-vibe”. When I read the back cover my interest was piqued so I just bought it. In hindsight, it was a good decision.

Honor killing is the main topic in this novel; but I refuse to delve into this issue.

Although the novel discusses the murder that shatters the lives of the Toprak family, there are other profound truths and morals hidden in there;

  • one must always find the strength to forgive,
  • sisters are the best kind of friends,
  • people are always paying the price for crimes they didn’t commit. i.e life’s unfair.

Overall, it’s a beautiful book. I liked it more than Forty Rules of Love.

4/5 stars




6 thoughts on “Book Review: Honor by Elif Shafak

  1. In the past 24 hours I’ve come across this author 3 times having never come across her before. That has to be a sign, right? After reading your review I’m off to investigate further 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Tbh I wasnt very interested in this book when I first heard about it in your other post, but now it seems really interesting. Im currently reading the fifth wave trilogy so I wont be able to dive into this book just yet but the story definitely sounds intriguing.
    P.S this is an awesome review!! I like it a lot more than the ones where people just give a summary (while spoiling everything) so thank you!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • LOL, thanks for being nice 😀 I heard that the fifth wave movie is really interesting I hope that you’re enjoying the books.


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